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我在耶路撒冷住了六天。由於旅館距離舊城很近,因此我特別安排一個晚上到舊城看看這座 “金色的耶路撒冷”。 當晚城牆的燈光昏暗,未能突顯出聖城的光芒,感到有點兒失望。但記起少年時曾經聽過一首百聽不厭的詩歌(也是我心中至愛)—— “聖城頌”,心中不期然地哼了出來。 The Holy City(聖城頌) Last night I lay asleeping, There came a dream so fair. I stood in old Jerusalem Beside the temple there. I heard the children singing And ever as they sang. Me thought the voice of Angels From Heaven in answer rang. "Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Lift up your gates and sing. Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna to your King!" And then me thought my dream was changed The streets no longer rang. Hush'd were the glad Hosannas, The little children sang. The sun grew dark with mystery, The morn was cold and chill. As the shadow of a cross arose Upon a lonely hill. "Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Hark! How the Angels sing. Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna to your King!" And once again the scene was changed, New earth there seemed to be. I saw the Holy City Beside the tideless sea. The light of God was on its streets, The gates were open wide. And all who would might enter And no one was denied. No need of moon or stars by night, Or sun to shine by day. It was the new Jerusalem That would not pass away. "Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Sing for the night is o'er. Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna for evermore!" 主耶穌在離世前曾對門徒說:“在我父的家裡,有許多住處,若是沒有,我就早已告訴你們了。我去原是為你們預備地方去。我若去為你們預備了地方,就必再來接你們到我那裡去;我在那裡,叫你們也在那裡。”(約14:2-3)這是何等大的安慰和鼓舞,因為主耶穌必會再來,並且很快再回來,這是祂的應許!我們急切地期盼著:“主耶穌啊,我願祢來!” “聖城頌” 是1892年的作品。這首聖詩不但有優美的旋律,還有令人振奮的歌詞。作者首先透過夢境,引領我們想象古城的和諧景象,孩童有如天使的歌聲,在我們的耳邊迴響。跟著夢境轉變了,不再聽到孩童的歌聲。日頭變為黑暗,清晨也變得冷冽;在那寂靜的山頭,只留下十字架的清影。 夢境再一次轉變。這次我們所看見的不再是古耶路撒冷,而是新天新地。這座天上的聖城,有神的光照耀,夜間不再需要月亮星辰,日間也不需要日頭普照。城門是大開的,歡迎所有願意的人進入,無一個人會被拒絕。這個就是新耶路撒冷,是永遠長存的聖城! 我聽見有大聲音從寶座出來說:「看哪,神的帳幕在人間。祂要與人同住,他們要作祂的子民。 神要親自與他們同在,作他們的神。神要擦去他們一切的眼淚;不再有死亡,也不再有悲哀、哭號、疼痛,因為以前的事都過去了。」(啟21:3-4) 哈利路亞,阿們! 禱告: 主啊,感謝祢確實的應許,賜給我永恆的盼望和安慰。我渴慕新的耶路撒冷降臨,能與祢永遠同在是多麽的美好!

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